Bifrost Astronomical Observatory
- Bifrost Astronomical Observatory - The conception, planning and construction of Bifrost Astronomical Observatory in Portal, Arizona is described.
- Bifrost Construction Photo Gallery - This photo gallery documents the construction of Bifrost Astronomical Observatory.
- Bifrost Floor Plans: | First Floor | Second Floor | Side View | - Observatory Design.
Bifrost Equipment
- Equatorial Mounts
- Astro-Physics 1600GTO German Equatorial Mount - This new mount has very low periodic error (+/- 2.5 arc sec) and can handle up to 220 pounds of equipment.
- Astro-Physics 1200GTO German Equatorial Mount - This premium mount has very low periodic error error (+/- 2.5 arc sec) and can handle up to 140 pounds of equipment.
- Losmandy G-11 German Equatorial Mount
- Losmandy GM-8 German Equatorial Mount
- iOptron iEQ30 Pro German Equatorial Mount
- iOptron CEM25P Center Balanced Equatorial Mount
- Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi GOTO Equatorial Mount
- Telescopes
- William Optics RedCat 51 APO f/4.9 Refracting Telescope (fl=250mm).
- Astro-Tech AT65EDQ 65mm f/6.5 ED Quadruplet Astrograph (fl=422mm).
- Astro-Physics 92mm Stowaway Refractor - This portable apochromatic refractor offers exceptional image quality (fl=612mm).
- Astro-Physics 105mm Traveler EDT Refractor - This compact apochromatic refractor is portable without sacrificing quality (fl=616mm).
- Astro-Physics 130mm StarFire EDF Refractor - This fast f/6 apochromatic refractor is renowned for its outstanding image quality. (fl=780mm)
- Takahashi Epsilon 180 ED Hyperbolic Astrograph - This instrument has a super flat, wide field and fast f/2.8 focal ratio (fl=500mm).
- Collimating the Takahashi Epsilon 180 ED - Before this instrument can deliver good images, it needs to be collimated.
- ASA N12 Corrected Newtonian Astrograph - This 12-inch aperture imaging telescope is a relatively fast f/3.5, (fl=1080 mm).
- TPO 12-inch Imaging Newtonian - This 12-inch (305mm) aperture imaging telescope is a fast f/4, (fl=1220 mm).
- Planewave CDK17 - 17" Corrected Dall-Kirkham Telescope - This 17-inch aperture telescope has a native f/6.8 focal ratio and a focal length of 2939 mm.
- DSLR Cameras
- Nikon D90 - Low cost 12-megapixel DSLR with HD video.
- Nikon D300 - Semi-professional 12-megapixel DSLR has good sensitivity and low noise.
- Nikon D7000 - Mid-range DSLR with a 16.2-megapixel CMOS sensor.
- Nikon D7200 - Mid-range DSLR with a 24.2-megapixel CMOS sensor.
- Nikon D7500 - Mid-range DSLR with a 20.9-megapixel CMOS sensor and tilting LCD monitor.
- Nikon D750 - Full Frame DSLR with a 24.3-megapixel CMOS sensor and tilting LCD monitor.
- Nikon D800 - Pro Full Frame DSLR with a groundbreaking 36.3-megapixel CMOS sensor.
- Nikon D850 - Pro Full Frame DSLR with a 45.7-megapixel CMOS sensor and tilting LCD monitor.
- Canon EOS 550D - An inexpensive 18-megapixel DSLR for astrophotography.
- Canon EOS 6D - Professional Full Frame DSLR with a 20-megapixel CMOS sensor
- Cooled Astronomical Cameras
- SBIG ST8300c - One-Shot Color Cooled CCD Camera, Kodak KAF-8300 8.3-megapixel.
- SBIG SBIG STL-11000M - Monochrome Cooled CCD Camera, Kodak KAI-11000M 10.7-megapixel.
- ZWO ASI183MC Pro - One-Shot Color Cooled CMOS, 20.18-megapixel (5496x3672 pix), 2.4μm pixels.
- ZWO ASI071MC Pro - One-Shot Color Cooled CMOS, 16-megapixel (4944x3284 pix), 4.78μm pixels.
- ZWO ASI183MC Pro - One-Shot Color Cooled CMOS, 16.4-megapixel (4656x3520 pix), 3.8μm pixels.
- ZWO ASI2600MC Pro - One-Shot Color Cooled CMOS, 26-megapixel (6248x4176 pix), 3.76μm pixels.