Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)

Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is an irregular galaxy spanning the constellations Dorado and Mensa. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 0.9 and its angular diameter is 645 x 550 arc-minutes. LMC lies at an estimated distance of 157,000 light years. The Equinox 2000 coordinates are 05h 23.6m, -69° 45´ which makes LMC a Southern Hemisphere object that is best seen during the winter.

The Small Magellanic Cloud and Large Magellanic Cloud are both dwarf galaxies that are gravitationally bound to the Milky Way Galaxy. To the naked eye, they appear like small detached pieces of the Milky Way.

For more information on LMC, see the entry in Wikipedia.

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