Milky Way Mosaic - Sagittarius Through Cygnus

This mosaic shows the Milky Way through Sagittarius, Scutum, Aquila, Vulpecula, and Cygnus. The dark rift running down the center of the Milky Way is due to interstellar dust in the plane of our Galaxy. This section of the Milky Way is best seen during the summer and early fall, and can only be appreciated from a dark sky location.

The bright star near the top is Vega in the constellation Lyra. Together with Deneb (in Cygnus) and Altair (in Aquila), the three stars form the asterism known as the Summer Triangle.

For another view of the same region see Milky Way Above the Chiricahuas & Bifrost. The above image is made up of thee smaller mosaics: 1) Sagittarius Through Scutum, 2) Scutum Through Vulpecula and 3) Aquila Through Cygnus.

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