Eclipses of the Sun

Solar Eclipse Photographs

Below are a series on links to photo galleries of past solar eclipses at our sister web site

Solar Eclipse Reports (with photos)

Solar Eclipses: 2014 - 2023

The table below lists every solar eclipse for the 10-year period from 2014 through 2023. Click on the eclipse Calendar Date to see a special page with detailed information and a map of the eclipse. The second column TD of Greatest Eclipse is the Terrestrial Dynamical Time of greatest eclipse. The Eclipse Type give the classification (total, annular, hybrid or partial). The Saros Series link opens a window showing the table listing details for all eclipses in the Saros series. The Eclipse Magnitude is the fraction of the Sun's diameter covered by the Moon at greatest eclipse. For total and annular eclipses, this value is actually the ratio of the apparent diameters of the Moon to the Sun. The Central Duration lists the duration of totality or annularity at greatest eclipse. The last column is a brief description of the geographic regions of eclipse visibility. The descriptions are for the partial phases of each eclipse. Annular and total eclipses are only visible from the regions in bold.

Eclipses of the Sun: 2014 - 2023
Calendar Date TD of Greatest Eclipse Eclipse Type Saros Series Eclipse Magnitude Central Duration Geographic Region of Eclipse Visibility
2014 Apr 29 06:04:32 Annular 148 0.987 - s Indian, Australia, Antarctica
[Annular: Antarctica]
2014 Oct 23 21:45:39 Partial 153 0.811 - n Pacific, N. America
2015 Mar 20 09:46:47 Total 120 1.045 02m47s Iceland, Europe, n Africa, n Asia
[Total: n Atlantic, Faeroe Is, Svalbard]
2015 Sep 13 06:55:19 Partial 125 0.788 - s Africa, s Indian, Antarctica
2016 Mar 09 01:58:19 Total 130 1.045 04m09s e Asia, Australia, Pacific
[Total: Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, Pacific]
2016 Sep 01 09:08:02 Annular 135 0.974 03m06s Africa, Indian Ocean
[Annular: Atlantic, c Africa, Madagascar, Indian]
2017 Feb 26 14:54:32 Annular 140 0.992 00m44s s S. America, Atlantic, Africa, Antarctica
[Annular: Pacific, Chile, Argentina, Atlantic, Africa]
2017 Aug 21 18:26:40 Total 145 1.031 02m40s N. America, n S. America
[Total: n Pacific, U.S., s Atlantic]
2018 Feb 15 20:52:33 Partial 150 0.599 - Antarctica, s S. America
2018 Jul 13 03:02:16 Partial 117 0.336 - s Australia
2018 Aug 11 09:47:28 Partial 155 0.737 - n Europe, ne Asia
2019 Jan 06 01:42:38 Partial 122 0.715 - ne Asia, n Pacific
2019 Jul 02 19:24:07 Total 127 1.046 04m33s s Pacific, S. America
[Total: s Pacific, Chile, Argentina]
2019 Dec 26 05:18:53 Annular 132 0.970 03m39s Asia, Australia
[Annular: Saudi Arabia, India, Sumatra, Borneo]
2020 Jun 21 06:41:15 Annular 137 0.994 00m38s Africa, se Europe, Asia
[Annular: c Africa, s Asia, China, Pacific]
2020 Dec 14 16:14:39 Total 142 1.025 02m10s Pacific, s S. America, Antarctica
[Total: s Pacific, Chile, Argentina, s Atlantic]
2021 Jun 10 10:43:06 Annular 147 0.943 03m51s n N. America, Europe, Asia
[Annular: n Canada, Greenland, Russia]
2021 Dec 04 07:34:38 Total 152 1.037 01m54s Antarctica, S. Africa, s Atlantic
[Total: Antarctca]
2022 Apr 30 20:42:36 Partial 119 0.640 - se Pacific, s S. America
2022 Oct 25 11:01:19 Partial 124 0.862 - Europe, ne Africa, Mid East, w Asia
2023 Apr 20 04:17:55 Hybrid 129 1.013 01m16s se Asia, E. Indies, Australia, Philippines. N.Z.
[Hybrid: Indonesia, Australia, Papua New Guinea]
2023 Oct 14 18:00:40 Annular 134 0.952 05m17s N. America, C. America, S. America
[Annular: w US, C. America, Columbia, Brazil]

Geographic abbreviations (used above): n = north, s = south, e = east, w = west, c = central

The last total solar eclipse visible from the continental U.S.A. occurred on Feb. 26, 1979. A total solar eclipse was visible from Hawaii and Mexico on July 11, 1991. The next two total solar eclipses visible from the U.S.A. will occur on Aug. 21, 2017 and Apr. 8, 2024.

The partial and annular phases of eclipses are dangerous to look at because the un-eclipsed part of the Sun is still very bright. You must use special filters or a home-made pinhole projector to safely watch a partial or annular eclipse of the Sun (see: Observing Solar Eclipses Safely). It is only during the total phase of a total eclipse that it is completely safe the to view the Sun with the naked eye.

For information on lunar eclipses, see Eclipses of the Moon.

Eclipse Resources